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Legal notice

Inxmail GmbH

Wentzingerstr. 17
79106 Freiburg
Postbox 51 26
79018 Freiburg, Germany

Tel.:  +49 761 296979-0
Fax:  +49 761 296979-9

Managing Directors
Peter Ziras

Commercial Register of Freiburg:  HRB 5870
VAT no.:  DE198371679

Liability notice and data privacy statement
Despite careful content checks, we do not assume responsibility for the content of third-party links. The content of third-party websites is the sole responsibility of the respective provider. Please refer to our data privacy statement for information on data protection.

Copyright for images and graphics:
Various images and graphics have been purchased and licensed for use from Fotolia and iStockphoto.


Person responsible for content
Peter Ziras